The SmokeD team is full of professionals committed to the mission of increasing the safety and protecting nature.

We are SmokeD. Find out more about our team and mission.

Our team consists of different specialists, such as engineers, programmers, foresters, and analysts. We have developed an innovative tool for detecting wildfires.

We started developing the algorithms and AI dedicated to detecting smoke in 2010. After a couple of years, we managed to create a powerful tool that can infallibly detect wildfires within minutes after the outbreak, with only a small percentage of false alarms caused by clouds, fog, or smog – and thanks to the constant progress of the IT industry, we are able to keep on perfecting our system. We trust that we have created an essential tool that is unique on a global scale.

The system is based on AI, machine learning, and deep learning. It detects wildfires within minutes after the outbreak from a distance of 15 km (~10 miles) and sends an alert immediately after. We hope that SmokeD will play a major role in fighting and preventing fires, as well as in protecting the environment, people, and their property.

As of now, we are surveilling over 3 million hectares of land globally with 190 intelligent cameras. Our detectors can detect fires within minutes, making it possible to begin extinguishing actions earlier, thus significantly reducing potential risks to people, property, and the environment. .

Our mission

Our mission

Our mission is to increase the level of safety of people and animals living in high-risk areas, which are particularly exposed to fires. By implementing our system, we protect you, your facilities, and the nature that surrounds us. We are happy to cooperate on projects that have a huge positive impact on our planet.

Join us and stop the flames! Together we can do more.

Portrait of Artur Matuszczak Founder CEO at SmokeD

Founder CEO at SmokeD

I’m an experienced manager and I have been leading for a few projects regarding IT solutions for forestry and public safety. I’ve graduated Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Forestry. The beginning of my business life wasn’t easy – I started as a handyman, then I used to be a programmer, sales-man and a manager. Now, I’m a President for SmokeD and I’m glad to be a leader of a great international team involved in wildfire detection. I’m incredibly fortunate that I have a wonderful wife and two kids.

Rafal Lapczynski

Co-founder CTO at SmokeD

I graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science of the Warsaw University of Technology and specialized in Artificial Intelligence. Since the very beginning of my career, I have been involved in 2D and 3D image analysis and I was able to bring my interests revolving around algorithms and AI to SmokeD where everyone is constantly striving to perfect our solutions. I firmly believe that our well-synched team is the strongest asset of our company. While out of work, I am a happy husband of one woman and father of an amazing bunch of four.

Portrait of Rafal Łapczyski CO-Founder CTO at SmokeD